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✨ World African and Afro-descendant Culture Day. ✨

🌍 Today, we celebrate the richness and diversity of African and Afro-descendant culture on the occasion of World African and Afro-descendant Culture Day. ✨

🚢 As a port governance company in Madagascar, we take pride in contributing to global connectivity while honoring our African roots. Culture is the cornerstone of our identity, reflecting the legacy of our ancestors and inspiring our future. 💪🏾

On this special day, let\’s share our stories, celebrate our diversity, and strengthen the bonds that unite our communities. 🤝

🌍 Aujourd\’hui, nous célébrons la richesse et la diversité de la culture africaine et afro-descendante à l\’occasion de la Journée mondiale de la culture africaine et afro-descendante. ✨

🚢 En tant que société de gouvernance portuaire à Madagascar, nous sommes fiers de contribuer à la connectivité mondiale tout en honorant nos racines africaines. La culture est le pilier de notre identité, reflétant l\’héritage de nos ancêtres et inspirant notre avenir. 💪🏾

En ce jour spécial, partageons nos histoires, célébrons notre diversité et renforçons les liens qui unissent nos communautés. 🤝


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With decades of experience and continuous improvement, we are the premier stevedoring, warehousing, and distribution company in Madagascar.

Proud member of AiVP


Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday Closed


5, Rue du Commerce Ampasimazava-Est, Toamasina

+261 (0)2 05 33 12 63

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