S.M.M.C. Company


Unloading 20,093.45 tons of rice in bags and sugar in big-bags

Le 13 février 2023, le MV BLUE ALEXANDRA a accosté et déchargé 20093,45 tonnes de riz en sacs et de sucre en big-bags, dont 1000 tonnes de Vary Tsinjo et 260 big-bags de ciment de 1 tonne chacun. ⚓ Arrivée du navire : le 13 Février 2023. ⏱ Début des opérations : le 13 Février 2023 à 16h00. ⏱ Fin des opérations : le 21 février 2023 à 18h30. —- On February 13, 2023, the MV BLUE ALEXANDRA docked and unloaded 20,093.45 tons of rice in bags and sugar in big-bags, including 1,000 tons of Vary Tsinjo and 260 one-tonne bags of cement. ⚓ Arrival of the ship: February 13, 2023. ⏱ Start of operations: February 13, 2023 at 4:00 pm. ⏱ End of operations: February 21, 2023 at 6:30 pm.

Unloading 20,093.45 tons of rice in bags and sugar in big-bags Read More »

We are proud to be the largest port handling company in Madagascar

Hundreds of our employees work hard every day, contributing to make the port of Toamasina the main hub of imports and exports for countries around the world. Our team of stevedores ensures efficient and safe loading and unloading of ships in the port. They use the latest technologies and equipment to make sure your cargo is handled correctly, quickly, and safely. We know this is a complex process, but our team of highly qualified professionals can help you simplify it. By enlisting our services, you will save time, money, and energy as we manage every step of the process for you. So what are you waiting for? Contact us today to make your projects a reality! We are proud to be the largest port handling company in Madagascar

We are proud to be the largest port handling company in Madagascar Read More »

When should a risk assessment be performed ?

🔰 Quand doit-on procéder à une évaluation des risques ? 🔰 Chez la SMMC, de nombreuses circonstances peuvent justifier une évaluation des risques, notamment : ➡ Avant l’intégration de nouveaux processus ou activités. ➡ Avant l’apport de changements à des activités ou à des processus courants, dont l’arrivée de produits, de machinerie, d’outils, de modifications à l’équipement ou la communication de nouveaux renseignements concernant les dangers. ➡ Au moment où des dangers sont relevés. Bonne fin de semaine à tous ! — 🔰 When should a risk assessment be performed ? 🔰 At the SMMC, many circumstances may warrant a risk assessment, including: ➡ Before integrating new processes or activities. ➡ Prior to changes to routine activities or processes, including the introduction of products, machinery, tools, equipment modifications, or the communication of new hazard information. ➡ When hazards are identified. Happy weekend everyone !

When should a risk assessment be performed ? Read More »

Differentiate between dangers and risks

🔰 Différencier les dangers et les risques 🔰 Pour que la démarche d’évaluation des risques que vous allez engager dans votre entreprise soit réussie, vous devez savoir précisément ce que c’est un risque et ne pas le confondre avec un danger, méprise fréquente. Bon jeudi à tous ! — 🔰 Differentiate between dangers and risks 🔰 For the risk assessment process that you are going to undertake in your business to be successful, you must know precisely what a risk is and not confuse it with a danger, a frequent misunderstanding. Happy Thursday everyone!

Differentiate between dangers and risks Read More »

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